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Hey! So Glad You're Here.

Friends of Hopkinson (FOH) is our parent booster club –


A not-for-profit, fundraising group, it was created over a decade ago in response to diminishing state and federal funding support for public education in our state.

There are 5 members who serve as our Board of Directors.  These individuals are volunteers who agree to make the voice of the parent community heard at our school, in our district, and around the community.

In addition, nearly 40 people serve on 8 standing committees that address the service and fundraising needs at Hopkinson.


FOH funds:

  • Media center Teacher & Instructional Aide

  • Staff Development Days

  • 2 portable iPad carts

  • Smartboards in every classroom

  • Media Center PC Lab

  • Teacher’s copy machines  

  • School wide Classroom Furniture

  • Scholarships for Outdoor Science Camp


Every year, Hopkinson families come together to raise funds to support the school’s vision of providing every child with a balanced and rigorous academic education, which includes opportunities in the arts and technology.  It is our school community’s support, which continues to make us one of the top elementary schools in Orange County.   We greatly appreciate your ongoing support in all fundraising efforts.


Contact us for more information


How can I get involved?


  • Attend a meeting! We hold 2 general meetings per year: 1 in the fall and a 2nd in the spring. Look for a flyer in the weekly Paw Print email newsletter for our next meeting date.

  • Volunteer to serve on a Committee.

  • Make a tax-deductible DONATION to Friends of Hopkinson

  • Attend our annual Hukilau and/or Moms/Dads Nights


What is the difference between FOH and PTA?


Our PTA is part of a nationally based organization established more than 100 years ago to promote and advocate for the rights of children to an equitable education.  It is a Non-Profit organization, run according to bylaws and guided by the national and state organization.  PTA supports many programs at Hopkinson, but their bylaws prohibit the funding of personnel, among many other restrictions.

So, in 1996, in response to budget cuts, the non-profit organization we call “Friends of Hopkinson” was formed for the sole purpose of raising funds to support foundational and enrichment programs at Hopkinson Elementary School. We are guided 100% by volunteers.

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